In order to complete the student teaching semester, teacher candidates must provide the 教育工作者认证办公室 with complete application materials. All materials are posted here for those who are academically ready to student teach. If you are not sure if you are academically ready, please contact your advisor and refer to the student teaching requirements outlined in the bet36365体育 本科 Catalog.

Application Deadline is Tuesday, September 3, 2024.

Placement requests will be sent to schools on March 1 for fall student teaching and October 1 for spring student teaching. School preferences cannot be changed after those dates.



学生教学应用: Student Information


学生教学应用: 个人资料表格

可选步骤4: 请填写 特别要求表格 如果你要求学生教学:

  1. at a secondary school from which you graduated.
  2. with a cooperating teacher who has taught you as a student.
  3. in any school building where you have relatives in attendance, such as children or siblings.
  4. at any school building where a relative is currently employed.
  5. in any school district where a relative is a member of the School Board.
  6. out-of-state in a school system other than Alief ISD and Garden City.